Smart Cities Readiness Assessment of Turkey Project” officially launched in a Press Meeting Event in İstanbul on 1st of March, 2016
More than 60 press organizations attended to the launch event with a very high interest. The report has been widely covered by the press media, TVs and internet press channels. The Project designed and implemented by NOVUSENS Smart Cities Institute, with the ownership of Turkey Informatics Foundation, academic support of ITU Computer Engineering and Informatics Faculty and commissioned by Mastercard Turkey and Intel Turkey. The Project resulted in a deep Current Situational Analysis of Turkey in Smart Cities where the scope covered Energy, Transportation and Water fields. The 2nd phase of the project will generate a Smart City Roadmap and Strategy of Turkey planned to be a strong reference for all of the organizations and institutes.
Smart Cities Readiness Assessment of Turkey Project” officially launched in a Press Meeting Event in İstanbul on 1st of March, 2016
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